Rapid Prototyping and Deployment with Gradio

Simplify Your Machine Learning Projects

Garvit Arya
4 min readJun 27, 2023


Gradio is a powerful Python library that greatly simplifies the process of prototyping and deploying machine learning models. With its intuitive API and a wide range of input and output options, Gradio allows developers to create interactive UIs for their models without any prior web development experience.

In this article, we will explore the key features of Gradio and demonstrate how it can accelerate your machine-learning projects. We’ll cover important concepts like inputs, outputs, interfaces, launching interfaces, and authentication.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is Gradio?
  2. A Comparison: Gradio vs Flask
  3. Installation and Setup
  4. Building User Interfaces with Gradio
  5. Creating Interfaces
  6. Launching Interfaces
  7. Authentication and Security

1. What is Gradio?

Gradio is an open-source Python library that simplifies the creation of customizable UIs for machine-learning models, APIs, and data visualizations. It abstracts away the complexities of web development, allowing you to focus on building robust and interactive interfaces for your models.

2. A Comparison: Gradio vs Flask

In the realm of web development frameworks, Flask has been a reliable choice for its flexibility, while Gradio has emerged as a specialized library for quick prototyping and deployment of machine learning interfaces. This section compares Flask and Gradio to help you choose the framework that suits your project requirements and development preferences.

Comparison by author

It’s important to note that Gradio and Flask serve different purposes. Gradio is primarily designed for quickly creating UIs for machine learning models, while Flask is a general-purpose web framework that allows for more control and customization in web development.

By Author

3. Installation and Setup

To get started with Gradio, you can install it using pip:

pip install gradio

Once installed, you can import the library in your Python code:

import gradio as gr

4. Building User Interfaces with Gradio

Gradio offers a variety of input and output options to design interactive interfaces. Let’s explore some of the most commonly used ones:

Input Options:

  • Textbox: gr.inputs.Textbox()
  • Slider: gr.inputs.Slider(minimum, maximum)
  • Checkbox: gr.inputs.Checkbox()
  • Dropdown: gr.inputs.Dropdown(["option1", "option2", "option3"])

Output Options:

  • Textbox: gr.outputs.Textbox()
  • Image: gr.outputs.Image()
  • HTML: gr.outputs.HTML()
  • KeyValues: gr.outputs.KeyValues()

5. Creating Interfaces

To create an interface with Gradio, define a function that takes inputs and generates outputs based on them. Here’s an example:

def predict_sentiment(text):
# Your model prediction code goes here
prediction = model.predict(text)
return prediction

Next, create the input and output objects based on your requirements:

input_text = gr.Textbox(label="Enter Text")
output_text = gr.Textbox(label="Sentiment Prediction")

Combine the function, input, and output to create the interface:

interface = gr.Interface(fn=predict_sentiment, inputs=input_text, outputs=output_text)

6. Launching Interfaces

Launching an interface with Gradio is as simple as calling the launch() method on your interface object:


This will start a local server and open a browser-based UI where users can interact with your model.


7. Authentication and Security

Gradio provides built-in support for authentication and security. You can secure your interfaces by setting passwords or using token-based authentication to restrict access. This ensures that only authorized users can access your models and data.

With the auth= keyword argument in the launch() method, you can provide a tuple with a username and password, or a list of acceptable username/password tuples; Here's an example that provides password-based authentication for a single user named "admin":

demo.launch(auth=("admin", "pass1234"))


Gradio is a game-changer when it comes to rapid prototyping and deployment of machine learning models. By abstracting away the complexities of web development, it allows you to focus on building interactive UIs for your models with ease. With its rich set of input and output options, you can create intuitive interfaces that empower users to interact with your models effectively.

So, get started with Gradio today and make your machine-learning models more accessible and user-friendly!

Happy coding!

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Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash



Garvit Arya

I am a Data Sherpa who converts data into insights at day and spend my nights exploring & learning new technologies!